Sunday, 10 February 2013

Paradise49, My Virtual Sailing Boat, Finished VendeeGlobe 2012-2013

Paradise49, my Virtual Boat sailing in the VendeeGlobe 2012-2013 had finished. The total sailing time was 91 Days, 1 Hour, 8 Minutes and 42 Seconds.

My Certificate for Success in Virtual VendeeGlobe. 
I finished on 57023th place, not too fast, but I did sail all in the basic boats without any additional options and living in a time-zone that is the worst for the twice daily wind updates resulting regularly in 5 hrs of sailing with the wrong sail or sailing the wrong heading or laying still in "Irons". Had I lived in Europe , for sure I would have sailed better and I hope, that next VG the wind updates are 4 times daily such the all Virtual Sailors worldwide have on this point an even playing field.

I am happy that this RoundtheWorld Sailing in VirtualRegatta is over as now I can concentrate more on my virtual Boats in LIVESKIPPER, the best virtual sailing player on the WorldWideWeb.

Since my last post also 2 more Real Boats in VendeeGlobe have finished.
-7th Dominique Wavre on Mirabaud
 Sailing time : 90 Days, 3 Hours, 14 Minutes and 42 Seconds
- 8th Arnaud Boissieres on AKENA Verandas.
 Sailing time: 91 Days, 2 Hours, 9 Minutes and 2 seconds
 That is just 1 Hour and 1 minute after me on my Paradise49 passed the Finish :)

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