Monday, 28 January 2013

VendeeGlobe 2012-2013 Finished

François Gabart o/b MACIF wins the VendeeGlobe 2012-2013. 

Francois Gabart  o/b MACIF wins Vendeeglobe 2012-2013
In a Video it looks like below, 

François's victory is with the smallest margin in the history for VG with only 3 hrs, 17 min and  12 seconds; another record broken. 

François made his decisive strategic move in the Southern Atlantic just North of the Falklands, where he moved Norht-Eeast where Armel Le Cléac'h, the later runner-up, moved North-West. After this the distances were like an elastic band between 100-200 Nm. 

François set a series of records but the most important is,
- the fastest VendeeGlobe ever in a record time of 78 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes and 40 seconds; an improvement of the  old record of VG2008 of Michiel Desjoyaux with 6 days, 00 hours and 58 minutes, and 
- he is the youngest winner of any VendeeGlobe with 29 years, - he was fastest from the start to the Equator, 
- he was fastest from the start to rounding Cape of Good Hope,
- he was fastest from the start to rounding Cape Horn,
- he was fastest from Cape of Good Hope till Cape Leeuwing, 
- he was fastest from Cape Leeuwing to Cape Horn, 
- he sailed the longest distance in any 24 hour period with 545 Nm in a monohull, 

François has shown to be a good tactical sailor that keeps smiling all along the way. 

Armel, finished as a second but a long time , those two were battling neck on neck and in the Southern Ocean changed the lead several times. 

Alex Thompson, has continued his route, after JP Dick in his damaged boat had overcome the heaviest winds around the Azoren and has taken the 3rd place with an ETA of Tuesday evening. JP Dick is heading in lower winds to the Portuguese coast and will from there decide to sail on the Les Sable or not. 

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